1B goes forever on!

25 Feb

Especially when I’m not going at it full steam ahead.

I’ve been snuffly and achey for a while so everything has slowed-up, including revision. However, I had a couple of break-throughs which cheered me up!

A murder mystery crept in and I’m now finding all the details connected with this because they need to be removed. In my enfeebled state, I dithered big-time  when I got to Charles, the murder victim. If there was no murder, he seemed to be redundant but I want him in the next book.

I went round and round in circles then went off and did something else. Came back and it suddenly hit me: yes, of course I needed him because otherwise two main characters would never have gone to Morocco and the story I wanted to tell would never have happened!

What a relief to have a cast-iron reason to keep Charles 🙂

The other break-through concerned a scene with important information but it read like a list. You know – MC does this, and then she does that, and then does this… I yawned and felt bored. It needed complete revision but I couldn’t see how to do it.

Then I realised that a very minor character could become more important, give the MC a very good reason for quitting England, and would also have a good reason for appearing in the next book (should it ever get written!). I have the scene planned where he appears with Dorothea’s mother and I so want to write it 🙂

After struggling through the 1B worksheets with the speed of a moribund slug, managing only two or three scenes each day, I began to feel very pleased with this new break-through.

Little and often has its merits but I prefer lots and often. A little is better than nothing at all, I keep reminding myself but I still want to do more!

Am I the only one who dislikes a slow, steady pace?


Posted by on February 25, 2012 in Uncategorized


9 responses to “1B goes forever on!

  1. Sarah

    February 25, 2012 at 3:37 pm

    “Little and often has it merits but I prefer lots and often.”

    Love it! Reminds me of the Robert Heinlein quote: ““Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks.” 🙂

  2. Prue

    February 25, 2012 at 7:16 pm

    Good for him! I’m a great fan of responsible hedonism 🙂
    (and the physical and mental resources to cope with it!).

  3. rae101049

    February 26, 2012 at 2:14 am

    Little and often is better than not at all, but I’d rather go crazy with it and get done. I’m getting tired. This has been a great course, but I want to be DONE. The only thing stopping me from hurrying through is Holly”s comment.

    “Any amount of rewriting of your first draft is worth the effort it takes to make your book the book you want to have written by the end of your first revision/rewrite.”

    I think that goes for any amount of time – within reason, of course!

  4. Prue

    February 26, 2012 at 4:07 pm

    I agree Nancy. It’s a very tiring course because it is so rigorous and professional.
    It’s brilliant and I can understand why Holly has sold so many books if this is the way she works.
    Hang on in there. You can do it! 🙂

  5. Kirsten

    February 26, 2012 at 8:44 pm

    Lots and often would be nice I admit.
    I have a lot of passion but not nearly enough time–work, sleep, things like that you know. 😉
    I don’t mind my slow, steady pace if I can grab a long and productive session once in a while . I think I need those to prove to myself that I could work faster if I just had the time.

    It sounds like you made some great progress with your characters though!

  6. Prue

    February 27, 2012 at 12:24 am

    Sleep’s good, work’s necessary – but you don’t mention food 😉

    Yes, I’m making good progress. I need to be more focussed on what I do when I’m doing it.

    • Kirsten

      February 27, 2012 at 2:05 am

      Heh. 😉 Sometimes I can manage to eat and write at the same time! Doesn’t always work so well–it’s hard on the computer keyboard–but can be done.
      Though I try to refrain from doing that unless it’s absolutely necessary. 🙂

  7. estuary

    February 27, 2012 at 9:58 am

    Hi Prue!

    No I don’t think you’re the only one – we’re supposed to want (and think we ‘deserve’) more, bigger, better, faster, right?

    I’m working in small but regular increments and finding that it boosts my productivity compared to waiting for big bursts of something in between killer bouts of nothing. I’m trying this out to see if the continuity of daily or near daily contact with my story (even though it’s only a scene or two at a time, or just planning the next three scenes or what have you) helps the sense of near-despair I was feeling at this kind of trajectory: /\/\/\/\/\/\/\ where up is completely out of the water of the story and then down is plunging into the deeps. It was (duh!) kind of roller-coaster like and honestly not good for morale.

  8. Prue

    February 27, 2012 at 10:33 am

    Hi Estuary!
    Your new approach sounds good! Feelings of near-despair are definitely not good. Good luck and let us know how you get on.


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